Honda Z50 Hubs
The Z50 Front and Rear hubs use the same size brake shoes and the brake panels are the same, except the brake lever are different sizes. The front brake lever is smaller than the rear brake lever. The maximum inside diameter is cast on the inside of the hubs. The maximum diameter of the hubs is 111mm. Please make sure the diameter is less than 111mm, before you start to work on the hubs.
Always a good idea to take photographs and take notes of all the components, before you start disassembly. Have the new parts, like wheel bearings and seals on hand so you can make sure you have the correct parts available for reassembly.
Front and Rear Hubs
Note the front brake hub has the smaller brake lever. Both panels are identical
Front Hub
After you remove the seal,  take the C clip off from the smaller part of the hub
Heat the outside of the hub with a propane torch. You don't have to get it very hot
Use a piece of wood to tap the hub. The outer bearing should come out easily
Front hub completely disassembled. Notice the bearing with dust seal goes towards the brake shoes/inside
Rear Hub
Rear Hubs have a flanged spacer and studs
Use a drift to remove either side bearing. It may take some time to find the edge of the bearing
There is no C clip under the seal
Use a wire wheel or a Scotch Bright wheel to clean the hubs.
We Vapor hone to clean the hubs, inside and out
After the hubs are clean, we use a Scotch Bright Buffing wheel (medium) to achieve a Brushed Finish
Cleaned front and rear hubs
Notice the difference from the above picture
Hubs will be ready to install the spacers and bearings, after clear coat to prevent oxidation
